Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Expelled Exposed

A movie called Expelled is about to come out that claims to be a documentary that shows how scientists who do not believe in evolution are discriminated against in academia. It even attempts to show how evolution is responsible for the holocaust. (I can't make this stuff up.)

The problem is that this movie is a pack of lies. The first clue that there's a problem with this "fair and balanced" documentary is that the producers have been going around America giving private screenings to Christian audiences (churches, Christian high schools, etc.) while barring film critics and even scientists featured in the film itself! (Hell, even Fox News panned it!)

Fortunately, the National Center for Science Education has created a website called Expelled Exposed. It will be going "live" tomorrow, the same day that this movie enters general release.

So, don't go to the supposed documentary that tries to tell you that a scientific theory that explains the complexity and diversity of life on this planet is somehow responsible for the Nazis murdering millions of Jews during WWII (I thought it was obvious that it was the Nazis who were responsible for that) and instead spend time reading the website that reveals all the lies in that movie and points you at the real science.




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