Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Compassionate Conservatism In Action

So, as most of you know, Bush---a devout evangelical supported by hoards of devout evangelicals---vetoed a bill that would provide health care for children who live in families that can't afford medical insurance. The primary reason, I think, is that Republicans think that people who are poor are lazy, good-for-nothings, that don't work hard enough, and so this view overrides the mandate from Jesus (who they supposedly admire and follow) to help those who are needy.

So, okay, situation normal. All of the above is simply what we have come to expect from the hypocrites who claim to follow compassionate conservatism.

But, the Democrats had the temerity to humanize this issue, by providing opportunities for the kids affected by Bush's veto to speak out. (Those dastardly Democrats!) And, so a kid by the name of Graeme Frost, a 12 year old, gave the Saturday Democratic address supporting the SCHIP program. Last year, Graeme and his sister were victims of a car accident, both suffering severe brain trauma and both requiring special medical care a year later. Their family is trying to live on 45,000 a year and medical insurance would cost more than their mortgage payment: 1200 a month!

So, what was the right-wing response to Graeme's situation? Do you think the right-wing responded with compassion and concern for these children. Are evangelicals rallying to support this family in accordance to the teachings of Jesus? No. They. Are. Not.

The right has launched a series of filthy attacks against this family (click on each link above for the details), hounding them at their house, and giving them no end of grief. This is beyond disgusting and reveals the true nature of "compassionate" conservatism.


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