Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Knuckle Sandwich

So, I'm grievously far behind on this blog, but this morning something happened that I just had to document.

I heard Lilja wake up and start crying this morning, so I got up and walked to her room and laid down next to her to see if I could get her to calm down and grab another 30 minutes of sleep or so.

Instead, when I got into bed, she immediately snapped out of her crying, sat up next to me, balled her tiny hand into a little fist and said, "Hey, do you want a knuckle sandwich?!!!"

This was so out-of-the-blue that I just laughed and laughed, and then she and I traded pretend knuckle sandwhiches back and forth. What was so funny was that I have never said this phrase to her directly but I have used it when kidding around with Max.

So, she learned what to say and what to do by watching us and today was the day she decided to try it out for herself!


P.S. The reason I'm behind on this blog is that I'm swamped with work associated with the start of a new school year. I've got two classes to teach, two students and one programmer to manage, papers and grants to write, etc. I'll do what I can to get some pictures up soon, because we have pictures from Max's first day at first grade, Lilja's first day at pre-school, and my sister's wedding.


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