Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Farewell Denmark!

Today, we leave Denmark to return to the states. It is both a happy and sad time. We have had the time of our lives here this past year in Aarhus and we leave with so many memories.

We have learned a lot and had our cultural perspectives shifted a bit (for the better). We have made many new friends and have experienced many wonderful things, not the least of which was watching Max become proficient in the Danish language. We have many ties here both professional and personal and so today is not "good bye" but, rather, farewell, we will see you again!

We return to Boulder to pick up our life there and to see family and friends again so that we can tell them about what we learned. If you have never seen Boulder, here's a picture to tempt you to visit!

(click on picture to view it in full size)

When we leave our apartment this morning at 8 AM, it will be midnight in Denver. We won't arrive in Denver until 8:15 PM which is 20 hours and 15 minutes later!

So, think good thoughts for us while we face three flights with three kids, three car seats, countless bags, and a stroller!

We will miss you Denmark.




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