Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Max's Party

Max at his 6th birthday party with red hair
Max's Red Hair Day Originally uploaded by kenbod.

We held Max's birthday party in early May to avoid any conflicts with the expected arrival of his baby brother sometime in late May or early June. (We'll be sure to celebrate on Max's actual birthday too.)

Anyway, a bunch of kids from Max's school, Bodøgården, came to his party. The Danes do birthday parties in a strange (to us) way. The party is typically held on a weekday (not weekend) and the teachers drive all the kids to the party, help to manage the kids during the party, and then drive them back to school after the party is over.

Since the party typically starts in the morning, around 10 AM, its too early for lunch. So, no problem, the kids eat cake FIRST! Then, they play for a bit, at which point lunch is served.

We had the kids eat cake inside, and then, since it was a nice day, we moved them outside to play. Ken then went to grab pizza from our favorite pizza place (we placed the order a couple of days ahead of time) and the kids then had fun eating pizza outside.

After lunch, the kids get a bag of candy and eat some of it before departing.

You can see pictures from the entire party by click on the picture above and then scrolling through the rest of the pictures in the Max's Party photo set on Flickr.




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