Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fun With Costumes

Denmark has an approaching holiday called Fastelavn which required us to buy costumes for them. Lilja is going to dress up as a fairy and Max will be doing his best imitation of spider man. They will be wearing these costumes at school on Feb. 27th, the day after the holiday is celebrated and they are really looking forward to it. Max keeps telling me that I'm going to have to find some rope for him, so he'll be able to shoot spider webs and swing around that day. I ask him how are we going to make the rope sticky and he thinks about it and then says "Hmm... maybe we should get some glue?"

Anyway, here is Lilja posing in her costume.

And, here is Max resting after a hard day of fighting crime.




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