Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Making Verbal Progess

Miles, at two and a half, is finally making progress on verbal skills. (He is light years BEHIND Lilja, who at 18 months was speaking simple sentences and had the ability to pick up Danish words at her Danish pre-school faster than her cohort of native Danish preschool kids! At two and a half, Lilja was easily speaking in multiple sentences and using that ability to issue imperious commands to her older brother and her parents.)

Miles's most recent acquisition verbally is the ability to say "Happy Birthday" but with his own unique twist. He says "Happy Doo Doo!" and then gives a great big smile. He's saying it a lot recently because L's dad just had a birthday and Lilja turned five today! :-)



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