Adventures in Aarhus

This is a blog to capture the adventures of Ken, Leysia, Max and Lilja while spending their first sabbatical in Aarhus, Denmark.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Brotherly Advice

We bought Lilja her own bed a month ago (see below) and she really likes it. She'll be able to use it for two months before we return to the states. Fortunately, the people who are living in the apartment after us have a three-year-old and they agreed to split the cost of the bed with us. (If you click on the photo, you'll be taken to a Flickr photo set with two more pictures of Lilja in her new bed.)

Lilja in her new bed

Lilja especially likes that she can sleep near her big brother and spend time with him. For instance, yesterday, before we went to Tivoli, Max and Lilja were sitting on one of the two beds in their room looking at books. Leysia and I were busy cleaning the house so we could have our chores out of the way before we spent the rest of the day with the kids at an amusement park. Anyway, as I was taking the trash downstairs, I saw Max hold up a picture of a shark and in a very serious voice he said:

“Now, Lilja, if you ever see one of these... run the other way!”

I think that's great advice! :-)

Max then launched into a story about how he saw a black shark while standing in the Pacific ocean on one of our annual trips to California and that as soon as he saw the shark he ran away. Now, I have no idea what he's talking about, but according to him, we went to the beach and let him play in the ocean and he “stuck his head underwater and saw a black shark swimming nearby!” (He would have been three years old on this particular trip.) I don't know if the story is true or not, but he's convinced it is and its tough arguing with a convinced six year old!




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